Our Story

Indonesia is world’s fourth largest country by population. With such big population, comes a problem: lack of nutrition and stunting, especially in children, so we thought: what can we do to address this problem? That’s what drove us to produce our first chicken egg. Chicken egg is one of the essential ingredients in every cooking as it is one of the most accessible protein by Indonesians, wherever they live. It also provides high quality protein nutrition! The amount of protein from one egg is equivalent to one ounce of meat protein, fulfilling 12% of daily recommended protein intake. There are so much good things to love about chicken egg!

Now, Proteinc has grown with hundreds of thousands of chickens all over Java island. As a company, Proteinc is committed to prioritizing the best process by combining the latest technology and healthy farm ecosystem, so they can consistently deliver more variety of best protein quality to every home in Indonesia.


Our Values


To improve the nutrition of every Indonesian, as the producer and provider of poultry products with the best quality.


To deliver a protein source of the best quality to every home through a healthy farm ecosystem and consistent supply.